Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reflection 2

Reflection Post

From what I can remember when I was younger, it was my father who mostly read me to sleep and encouraged me to read. I loved the books so much I would memorize them to the point that I started reading them on my own. These books consisted of The Bernstein Bears, Dog books (I was and still am really into dogs), and others that were mostly cartoons. I was always in the advanced reading group in kindergarten then, and throughout most of my life. That is not the actuality today. My best friend LOVES to read. Once she starts a book she can never put it down. She takes it everywhere she goes until she is finished with it. Then doesn’t forget to tell my boyfriend and me all about what she just read. My Grandmother has been the same way lately as well. She has gone through all of my romance novels and since I have no time to read and she has already read them, I now have no place to put them, but in a box to keep in storage. I haven’t had the time. With the assigned reading and homework for all of my classes, it takes me a while to sit down to a book I enjoy. When I do get a chance to enjoy a book, I have a distinct flashback to when my father would read to me. I usually read before bed and it puts me into a deep sleep.