Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reflection 2

Reflection Post

From what I can remember when I was younger, it was my father who mostly read me to sleep and encouraged me to read. I loved the books so much I would memorize them to the point that I started reading them on my own. These books consisted of The Bernstein Bears, Dog books (I was and still am really into dogs), and others that were mostly cartoons. I was always in the advanced reading group in kindergarten then, and throughout most of my life. That is not the actuality today. My best friend LOVES to read. Once she starts a book she can never put it down. She takes it everywhere she goes until she is finished with it. Then doesn’t forget to tell my boyfriend and me all about what she just read. My Grandmother has been the same way lately as well. She has gone through all of my romance novels and since I have no time to read and she has already read them, I now have no place to put them, but in a box to keep in storage. I haven’t had the time. With the assigned reading and homework for all of my classes, it takes me a while to sit down to a book I enjoy. When I do get a chance to enjoy a book, I have a distinct flashback to when my father would read to me. I usually read before bed and it puts me into a deep sleep.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The Word: manifestation
Parts of speech: N.
The Source Sentence and (page Number): Text Connect Page 152.
Vision is the best manifestation of creative imagination and the primary motivation of human action.
Context Clues: I used examples to help me figure out the meaning of the word “manifestation”. “Vision is the best display for the imagination”.
Definition: Display, Demonstration.
Your Original Sentence: I manifest my emotions like no one else in my family.


The Word: dote
Parts of speech: Vb.
The Source Sentence and (page Number): Funny in Farsi Page 103.
Now whenever we visit my relatives, all who dote on my husband, I realize that he didn’t marry me despite my tribe, he married me because of them.
Context Clues: I used synonyms to help me figure out the meaning of the word “dote”. The synonym that I used to replace the word dote is “love”.
Definition: To show excessive love or fondness.
Your Original Sentence: I dote on my boyfriend.


The Word: Capacity
Parts of speech: N.
The Source Sentence and (page Number): Text Connect Page 152.
As he found within himself the capacity to rise above his humiliating circumstances, he became an observer as well as a participant in the experience.
Context Clues: I used synonyms to help me figure out the meaning of the word “capacity”. The synonym that I used to replace the word capacity was “capability”.
Definition: Someone’s ability to do something.
Your Original Sentence: I had the capacity to climb up the mountain with no food or water.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Reflection Post

Unfortunately studying the required vocabulary for this class has not had much impact on me. Being stressed including the amount of homework I have had to do, and having a lot on the brain lately hasn’t helped my ability to apply the vocabulary that we have been studying. I haven’t been encountering the words that we have been studying in class, although I may come across them in a book once or twice and just fly right by them, forgetting their meaning. I don’t approach unfamiliar vocabulary any differently now. I approach them the same as always. I sound out the word and if it’s familiar to me I shout hip hip hooray in my mind. You see the problem is I may have heard the word but I have never seen it printed or in a proper sentence. Consider the words “baklava” and “constructive,” I knew those words this week, but yet I never use them in conversation or any of the other new words I’ve learned. I should though, for it would not only broaden my vocabulary but my intellect, don’t you think?
I am not remembering the words from class long-term. They are short term words for me, just enough to pass the vocabulary tests. Which is horrible of me, either I should study more or find a new way to approach my study habits and techniques. Things I can do to remember the words is writing the words repetitively. I could also turn the words into a trivia game.


The Word: Vacillate
Parts of speech: Vb.
The Source Sentence and (page Number): Text Connect Page 153.
We vacillate and fluctuate.
Context Clues: The following sentence, “changes from day to day,” drew me to the conclusion of my logic. Where the word vacillate means: to go back and forth.
Definition: move from side to side.
Your Original Sentence: The rough seas caused us to vacillate in the boat.


The Word: Impelling
Parts of speech: Vb.
The Source Sentence and (page Number): Text Connect Page 152.
- the impelling conviction of those who were to survive that they had a mission to perform, some important work left to do.
Context Clues: I used the prior sentence because it defined the term. I have heard of the word compelling but not of the word impelling.
Definition: drive, force, or urge.
Your Original Sentence: Our professor was so impelling that we wanted to finish our assignments.


The Word: Constructive
Parts of speech: Adj.
The Source Sentence and (page Number): Text Connect Page 153.
Some may seem constructive: “You’re so talented!”
Context Clues: I used my logic to help me figure out the meaning of the word “constructive”. Also, there are examples in the passage that explain what the word means: “I always said you should be a doctor!” Also I have heard this word before being used as “constructive criticism”.
Definition: Helpful; Positive.
Your Original Sentence: My dad’s constructive advice was a boost to my self esteem.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Three Fab New Vocabulary Words!

Vocabulary Word Submission Structure

The Word: Bucolic
Parts of speech: Adj.
The Source Sentence and (page Number): Funny in Farsi pg 31.
Or we’d try to be more bucolic mentioning being south of the beautiful Caspian Sea, “Where the famous caviar comes from”.
Context Clues: Example (where the Caspian comes from).
Definition: rural
Your Original Sentence: The cowboy’s chaps were very bucolic.

The Word: Disseminated
Parts of speech: Verb
The Source Sentence and (page Number): Text Connect Page. 41
Third, popular culture is increasingly disseminated by the mass media…
Context Clues: In the sentence there were not any examples, Antonyms, or synonyms. Using my logic that Disseminated is a word the media spreads information television, film, and radio too.
Definition: scatter about, spread.
Your Original Sentence: The television emergency broadcast system disseminated at 2 p.m. this afternoon.

The Word: Ubiquitious
Parts of speech: Adj.
The Source Sentence and (page Number): Text-Connect pg 42.
The Media is also ubiquitous- present in airports, elevators, classrooms, bars and restaurants, and hospital waiting rooms.
Context Clues: Synonym because it’s present everywhere.
Definition: present everywhere or in several places simultaneously.
Your Original Sentence: I was ubiquitous at all my little brothers’ activities with school.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Vocabulary Word Submission Structure
The Word: Regaled
Parts of speech: Verb
The Source Sentence and (page Number):
When I first met him, he regaled me with stories of exotic place he had visited… (Page 57)
Context Clues: In the sentence there were not any examples, Antonyms, or synonyms.Using my logic that Regaled is a positive word and the words “exotic” and “stories” suggest that it must be something foreign and entertaining.
Definition:To give pleasure and amusement to.
Your Original Sentence: The Children regaled when the magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat.